Sunday, March 17, 2013

Memories never fade, tears still fall and Daffodils still remind me of you.

While many will be celebrating the good deeds of St. Patrick today, I am celebrating the life of another man - my father. The past several weeks I have found my mind swimming with memories of him and the good times we shared together. The man truly had flair - he entered the world on St. Patrick’s Day and departed it on St. Valentine’s Day. I am sad because I miss him and not a day goes by that I don’t think of him. During times like these I find myself fighting my emotions in order to get through the day so I have decided to use this as an outlet. Although I miss my dad, I must acknowledge that I have been blessed with two wonderful men in my life who I respect and love; both Chuck and Roger are there as a father for me. I would like to take this chance to celebrate in memory of his birthday, the life of the man who taught me among many other things how to hunt and fish, how to drive a car, and the importance of making time for family. As I look forward to my meal of Corned beef with potatoes, carrots and cabbage I will have a smile on my face as I remember my Fathers disapproval of my brother and I smothering our cabbage with tomato ketchup. I will reflect on my memories of days spent in the woods hunting, days off from school working with my dad in the big red tractor trailer truck, afternoons spent drowning worms on the banks of a fast moving brook, Sunday driving lessons, listening to the baseball game on the radio while playing in the back yard, digging up wild daffodils and day lily’s on the side of the road for Mom's flower gardens, Sunday lunches together as a family, the memories go on and on. I am thankful to have the memories that I do and to have had the privilege of being my father’s son. Remember the reality is we are only here for a season and it is up to us to determine how we spend that season. He may not be with us in the flesh but he is here in my heart and in my memories so for no other reason other than that of good memories… I miss you and love you, Happy Birthday Dad.
The tribute tattoo for my Dad that I got last year even though he would have kicked my butt for getting it!