Thursday, January 14, 2010

Just like their Father - Accidents waiting to happen!

Everyone who reads this and knew me as a kid knows how accident prone I was. I like to think that I wasn't accident prone but a child who made bad decisions - most often in an attempt to produce "Shock and Awe" in those around me, thus resulting in a love hate relationship with plaster casts most of my adolescent years! Well, here I am after 35 years with two wonderful children who are doing their best to carry on my legacy! This year has been a tough year for sledding as it has been single digits most of the time and the snow seems to drift off of the hills before we have a chance to pack it down. This has been a deterrent to many a child but my kids have a shortage of fear sensors (or common sense) which has made for some entertaining adventures and thankfully as of today no trips to the emergency room - although we have had a few close calls! In case you were wondering Ariel's sled left the ground and touched back down over 15ft later, she came out of her sled and traveled about 5 more feet before coming to a windless stop! I ran down the hill and verified that she was OK - she was still trying to catch her breath and after doing a few quick checks I led her in a game of "Simon Says" until she realized I was goofing around. You will see in her interview she is a good sport and loves her Daddy despite my constant teasing.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Family Photo Shoot

Every year we talk about getting our yearly family photo taken and every year we push it to the end of our to-do list. I realized that it had been a while as I was looking at our denim family photo and realized how young the kids were.(Rebecca and I haven't aged a bit - well I have but I haven't grown up yet!) This year I made it a priority and nothing was going to stop me - not even getting paged into work as I was walking out the door to go to the photo studio! Here are some of our favorites - the photographer was nice and spent a full hour with us which resulted in lots of pictures. Here are some of our favorites - fun house style!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from all of us at The Wearne's In the Woods.
May you all have a safe and blessed 2010!

I would like to start the year by saying, "Thank you" to all my regular readers and the occasional passer by. I look forward to another year filled with stories and daily events and the ability to share them all with you here on this simple little blog. Happy New Year!