Everyone who reads this and knew me as a kid knows how accident prone I was. I like to think that I wasn't accident prone but a child who made bad decisions - most often in an attempt to produce "Shock and Awe" in those around me, thus resulting in a love hate relationship with plaster casts most of my adolescent years! Well, here I am after 35 years with two wonderful children who are doing their best to carry on my legacy! This year has been a tough year for sledding as it has been single digits most of the time and the snow seems to drift off of the hills before we have a chance to pack it down. This has been a deterrent to many a child but my kids have a shortage of fear sensors (or common sense) which has made for some entertaining adventures and thankfully as of today no trips to the emergency room - although we have had a few close calls! In case you were wondering Ariel's sled left the ground and touched back down over 15ft later, she came out of her sled and traveled about 5 more feet before coming to a windless stop! I ran down the hill and verified that she was OK - she was still trying to catch her breath and after doing a few quick checks I led her in a game of "Simon Says" until she realized I was goofing around. You will see in her interview she is a good sport and loves her Daddy despite my constant teasing.