Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Doggy days of winter

For her 10th Birthday, Ariel received a sewing machine and has been taking weekly sewing lessons from Mom Rathbun - A.K.A. Grammy.
Over the past few months she has made herself an outfit, little pillows for everyone and most recently a sweater for Gabriel - our Min Pin.
Most of the people who read this know that Gabriel had an accident as a puppy and as a result does not use his right leg very much. Supporting his weight with and relying on only 1 front leg has caused him to develop the muscle mass of a bull dog rather than that of a little lap dog!
Now I am not a big fan of dressing up animals but you can't help but feel bad for the little guy when the mercury drops and after his morning jaunt he curls up in a little ball and shivers in a feeble attempt to warm up.
We tried a couple of different store bought sweaters that we found on the mark down rack but due to his massive shoulder muscles they just didn't fit comfortably and were a pain in the Hiney to put on and take off.
Rebecca decided to do some research and ended up finding a pattern and after taking some measurements passed the project over to Ariel. Below are some pictures of the finished project. Needless to say - as a man who attaches loose buttons with a fishing knot and has no understanding of how a sewing machine works - I am very impressed and look forward to seeing her talents progress.

Top view

Bottom View

Getting warmer

Our little "hot dog"

Now he might not look too pleased in the pictures above but after feeling the warmth return to his achy little bones he was happy as a "bug in a rug" for lack of a better term!


Anonymous said...

Tell Ariel she did a GREAT job. Gabriel looks so cute in it, too. What a wonderful talent Ariel has for making things. The sewing machine will come in handy for creating a lot of things.
Love, Mom

Jeff and Michelle said...

Wow! Good job, Ariel! We may have to place an order. :)

Robb said...

normally dogs wearing sweaters is kind of, well, not right. but it is camo so i guess it's ok