I realize that I am a week behind with posting this (as the kids are now back home and Bored!) but better late than never! The kids went away for summer camp again this year and their cousin Noah joined them for what has turned into the greatest week of summer vacation. The kids were very excited to be going back to the same camp this year and were looking forward to meeting old friends and make new ones. Alex and Noah were in the same cabin together and Ariel had several of her close friends (Taylor, Samantha and Becky) in the same cabin with her. I wish I could take the summer off from work to spend working at one of these camps. I am always humbled when I meet the young men and women who volunteer as counselors and remember the great experiences I had as a young man going to summer camp!
Rebecca and I were looking forward to some quiet R&R while the kids were gone but unfortunately Uncle Eaton, (that's what I call my job) had other plans for me and it turned out to be a very busy week.
Rebecca and I were both amused at the fact we received 2 letters from Ariel but never heard anything from Alex (despite sending him with paper and a self addressed - postage paid envelope! What can I say - Boys will be boys!
After working an overnight shift we took the leisurely drive to pick the kids up and enjoyed listening to their memories and stories from the week. I am amazed at how soft a child's heart is for God after a week at camp - and hope to be able to nurture that so it is a life long experience not just a feel good moment. I love knowing that my children are not ashamed to show their emotions and I was touched by their stories of laughter throughout the week and moments of tears and sadness as they realized the week was coming to an end and they would be saying -goodbye to several of their new friends.