Friday, July 17, 2009

And then there were EGGS!

I can't believe it my 15 week old little girls are laying eggs already! I knew from my research that Red Sex Links were early layers and once they start - get ready for LOTS of eggs. I know from my older flock the normal age of egg laying is between 22-24 weeks and most RSL chickens start between 18-20 weeks. Much to my surprise the other night while everyone was happily free ranging around our property one of the "little" girls decided to check out the "big" girls coop. She was soon joined by Momo (our Golden Comet rooster.) After a little while I went in to encourage her to find somewhere else to play and much to my surprise I found a warm, little brown egg! Today when I went to put them away for the night I was presented with another one. I am so glad the new coop is almost done - hopefully if all goes well they will be able to move into their new home on Monday night. Below are a couple of pictures of them "In the act" and of the yummy - although still small - eggs I have recieved from my little red darlin's.