Sunday, March 28, 2010

That slight tug on your heart.

Have you ever felt that slight tug on your heart or the nagging feeling that a simple call to someone is needed? I have had more than one occasion when I honestly felt that God placed someone on my heart and in my thoughts so that I would be able to lift them up during a tough moment in life. Some times a simple call to let someone know you are thinking of them can make a huge difference in their lives. I recently heard this song on the radio and it make me stop and think of the times I have been made aware that me taking to time to listen to someone else has helped someone and wonder how many times it has made a difference without me knowing. I realize how quickly life is moving around us and how easily it is to be distracted or caught up in our own lives but I think if we all took the time to listen for that still small voice and tune into that slight tug at our hearts for those around us the world would be a better place.

The Name of the song is "The Call" by Matt Kennon


Unknown said...

Wow! What a video & what a message! Thanks for posting that.