Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Smashing Good Night!

On labor day weekend Alex and I headed down to the shore line for an evening of crashing and smashing. It was the back to school special at the Waterford Speedbowl which included Ski Car racing, figure 8 races, School Bus races and demo derby's.

 The night started off with the Ski Car races. Alex and I both agreed that these were the most exciting races of the night. If you are unfamiliar with what these are I will do my best to explain. This race is run with front wheel drive vehicles that have had their rear tires removed and replaced with rims welded to metal skid plates or ski's. As you can imagine they are difficult to control and create a lot of excitement when they begin to spin while running at full speed with other vehicles around them. It's also great to follow them as they go around the track while being mesmerized by the trail of sparks.
After the Ski car feature they held a figure 8 race which once again had us standing most of time due to the non stop carnage which included cars flipping over, getting set back on their wheels and continuing on and eventually ending up in the demo derby at the end of the night.
Many of the vehicles attempted to run in each event. I enjoyed watching Alex's face during each event and I was reminiscent of him being upset as a young child every time he saw a car with any body damage. He sure has come a long way - I just hope he doesn't look this happy when he has his first car accident as a teenager!
The bus races were rather boring but the drivers were determined to put on a good show. They decided to add a school bus demo derby into the schedule and did their best to make these full size school buses into back road short buses!
I think that they did a good job shortening them up quite a bit!
At the end of the end of the evening they finished off the remaining vehicles in a front stretch demo derby. 
 It was a fun guy's night out and Alex is convinced that Rebecca is going to let him turn her Hyundai into an X-car and finally a demo derby car when he finally gets his drivers license in a few years.
It was a great night to celebrate the end of summer and a fun way to usher in the school year. The night ended with a great fireworks display which we enjoyed from the comfort of the truck. I am very blessed that each of my kids enjoys the same things I do and as they grow up will have great memories of times spent together. I just pray that I am around to make many, many more memories with them well into my old age!