Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Torturer - AKA Dentist

My mother will appreciate this clip, Steve Martin even looks like the sorry excuse for a dentist I had as a kid.

For all of those who didn't know I am afraid of the Dentist and not ashamed to admit it! From the time I moved out of my parents house as a teenager I avoided the tooth doctors at all cost. Thankfully I took care of my teeth for the most part and when things did go bad I trusted my local oral surgeon to eliminate the problem. After several visits he told me not to come back - he ordered me to find a "DENTIST"! So with the help of my family and friends I located a dentist who understood my fears and fixed my issues rather than remove them.
With all that said don't assume that I enjoy going (like Bill Murray in the movie Little Shop of Horrors)

My fears were once again realized when my upper jaw started bothering me this past weekend - it was so bad I called and left a message for the dentist to call me back ASAP so I could "visit" him and Rebecca didn't even have to nag, force, or do it for me! I will spare you all the details but in the end he removed the problem (the problem which he supposedly fixed during our original meeting). Thankfully the teeth I've had removed are all rear molars and I still have a full pearly white smile. My only wish is that I could get my hands on one of the portable gas masks that Steve Martins character uses for my yearly visits to the dentist! Also in case you were wondering the Dentist keeps the teeth they pull and they charge you for it - I guess the partial coverage for the extraction from the insurance company is the adult equivalent to the tooth fairy.


Anonymous said...

Charlie, I love you soooooooooooooooooooo much that the next time you have to go to the dentist, I will go with you and I will do the Cosby Act like you used to do to me until the dentist (Dr. Pappas) made you leave the room!!!! Little family joke!!!!! Your Father was very frightened of
the dentist just like you. Me, your Mom, I have no fear but I have some deep rooted dislike!!!! Now you have a step-father who also is afraid of the dentist, but I did get him to go to Dr. Pappas!!! I am so glad that you are my son. You are a unique person---one of a kind and you are my son.
Love, Mom

Sensei Mitch said...

Man I am sorry to hear what you had to go through. I too don't like the dentist but mostly because of a nasty gag reflex problem...ask Paula!

Hope you are feeling better. You blogging skills are excellent, so when are you going to start blogging for me??