Monday, November 2, 2009

Your only as old as you act!

So here I am, reflecting upon another year of life and despite growing older and hopefully wiser, I refuse to act any older! This past year seems to have gone by in the blink of an eye. In the past 12 months I have enjoyed a great deer hunting season, I have watched both my children grow mentally and physically, I witnessed my daughter experience her first paying farm job, I went through tough times at my job earlier this year and then non stop business recently. I have expanded my obsession with raising my own food/livestock. I experienced the obsession with Facebook and the twisted people who enjoy invading peoples lives via site hacking. I have congratulated friends who brought new life into the world and grieved over the death of friends and loved ones. I experienced the Flu and got trapped in an elevator. I got to spend time with my brother and his family thanks to their New England vacation. I have said goodbye to multiple pets and welcomed new pets to our family, I have found out there are people who are even more crazy about chickens then me at I began my 15th year of marital Bliss with my 29 year old (forever) wife! I enjoyed a great week of vacation and since closing my Facebook account I have been faithful with my blogging. The past 35 years have been very eventful and I am grateful for each and every day that I have experienced during those years and look forward to many more. Thank you to all my friends and family who have not only made this past year special but have molded me into the man I am.


Charlie's Mom said...

I love you, son. Hopefully we will have many more years together. It was nice having Sunday dinner together and enjoying the time with you and yours.