Thursday, May 13, 2010

Vacation week leaves little time for Internet

I have taken lots of pictures this week of our adventures as have the kids. Thankfully we are enjoying every moment of our vacation and I have not had much time for the Internet - thus my lack of posts. Don't get me wrong I love sharing my adventures but I think I will take the time to post some of the photos when I return so I don't miss out on anything while we are still on vacation. The past several days have been spent enjoying all the different museums, yesterday we spent the entire day at the zoo and today we showed our gratitude by visiting Arlington National Cemetery. We also walked to several of the different monuments today. The only down side of the week was today on the Metro I had my Blackberry stolen (or it some how fell out of my holder unknowingly) I was using it for directions when we entered the tunnel for the Metro and shortly after arriving on the Mall I realized all I was left with was an empty leather case! Tonight we went and visited our friends Matt and Christa who live about 5 miles from the hotel we are staying at and enjoyed a delicious home cooked meal while relaxing with friends - Well Rebecca and I relaxed while Matt played tag games with the kids out in the tennis court. Tomorrow we are going to try to visit the Air Museum at Dulles airport and then we will be off to the NASCAR Truck race in Dover Delaware in the evening.


Jackie said...

glad you guys are having a good time. can't wait to see the pictures and hear all your stories!

Mike said...

Hello this is Mike from the We are a home schooling family also. I have visited Washington D.C. with our home schooling organization and got to visit the Pentagon it was great enjoy the vacation. If you are anything like me you deserve it. ENJOY