Monday, May 10, 2010

Road Trip

We decided to take a road trip this year for our family vacation and spend a couple days in our Nations Capitol - Washington D.C. We packed our bags yesterday and after a great night's sleep we took once last trip to the chiropractor and hit the road. The kids were excited not only to be going to D.C. but also about all the sights on the ride there. They were able to take in the Manhattan sky line for the first time this morning and get the reality of what I consider filthy city living! We took our time driving today and enjoyed the nice driving weather.

Once we arrived at our Hotel we drove into Old Town Alexandria and loaded our Metro smart cards for our daily commuting. I decided that rather than hang out in our room we would drive around and get to know the surrounding areas in the Capitol. The kids were amazed at the sites and sounds and enjoyed catching a glimpse of Arlington National Cemetery, the Lincoln Memorial, Capitol Hill, The White House, as well as driving up and down both sides of the National Mall. I think the highlight of my night was when I drove past the Pentagon and Alex realized that it was a real place - not just something out of the movies! I look forward to the next couple days of getting to wander around the museums, memorials and not only entertain ourselves but get an education doing it. I will be sure to take lots of pictures and hopefully give everyone a couple of updates throughout the week.


Harvest Moon Farm said...

Have a great trip, you guys!! See you when you get back!