Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thank's to the Keeper of the Stars

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank the Lord for the woman I married what seems like years ago but at the same time is as fresh in my memory as if it was yesterday.


Thank you for being the best wife any man could ask for. There are so many cheesy love songs that I can think of from the 80's and 90's but rather than play them here I will continue to entertain you by singing them randomly as we go through life together! You have spoiled me and although you might not think twice about the things you do on a daily basis I notice them and even though I might not say "Thank You" everyday - I want you to know how much I appreciate you and everything you do to keep our family functioning day in and day out. I love you and through the good times and bad I have enjoyed our journey through life together and look forward to many, many more years and the excitement each day brings. I love that you love me for who I am and that even after 14 years of marriage I can still make you laugh with my silly songs and that we wake every morning next to each other with a smile and an I love you kiss (bad breath and all.) I love that when we talk on the phone we end every conversation with "I love You" and truly mean it! I am truly blessed to have you as my wife - Happy Anniversary Rebecca - I love you. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO


Charles and Rebecca said...

Charlie, I love you too :) I wouldn't trade any of those 14 years. I look forward to many more. Love ya, Becky

Jeff and Michelle said...

Congratulations to you both!

HomeGrownLife said...

Happy Anniversary to you both! I still remember your wedding day and the wonderful celebration that it was!

Anonymous said...

I knew Rebecca and you were perfectly matched. I remember the Valentine's Day when I helped you buy a card and balloon for her in the fifth grade. You both were meant to be. I love both of you and know that you have many more years together.