My daughter made the first full day of my 38th year of life extra special. Today was the first of the two CT youth deer hunting days. We both were awake hours before the sun and made our way to the grand stand with darkness to spare. It was a crisp cool 40 degree morning and any day that I get to spend one on one time with my kids makes it a good day. We waited patiently for the daylight to make its much anticipated appearance and enjoyed some cuddle time in the comfort of the tree stand 20 feet in the air.
It was a quiet, peaceful morning and we enjoyed being in each others presence which included some joking back and forth and the occasional power nap by Ariel which were cut short by the noisy geese flying overhead. While you always anticipate the chance to harvest a deer when your out hunting in your mind you know that it isn't guaranteed, heck you might not even see one. Ariel has been blessed the past 2 years with multiple opportunities and success each year but knows that the most important thing is to enjoy her time in the woods while taking in the wonders of God's magnificent creation.
The morning was going by quickly and I was originally scheduled to work in Boston at noon so despite enjoying every moment with my daughter I was anticipating our departure and found myself watching the clock. At 08:30 I received word that it didn't look like I would be needed at the Boston job site and was told to enjoy my morning hunting with Ariel.
It was less than 5 minutes later that I was pointing out a spot in the woods to Ariel that kept catching my attention which was driving me crazy and she replied "Ya, there is a squirrel that just got me all worked up" and as she went to point it out she declared "Wait, its not a squirrel - it's a deer!"
I immediately began scanning the forest floor trying to see what she was seeing. At the same time she was readying her rifle which finally gave me location to focus on. It took me a moment but sure enough there was a doe working her way towards us.
Ariel, readied herself and waited patiently for the deer to present a clean shot. I was very proud of her as she repeatedly calmed herself down during the approximately 15 minutes that this deer worked back and forth between several trees. When the moment was right she squeezed the trigger and much to my dismay the deer ran about 20 feet and stood there. Ariel could no longer see the deer but I could and informed her that I thought she missed. You could see a bit of panic in her eyes while at the same time a look of "Really Father - why do you doubt me?" I looked back and the deer was gone.
I scanned the area and didn't see the deer anywhere. After 10 minutes I climbed down and rather than going to the spot the deer was standing when she shot I made my way over to where I last saw the deer standing.
I got within 10 yards and saw that the deer was down! I ran back to the stand and assisted Ariel with descending from the stand. We made our way over to the deer and I quietly said a prayer of thanks for the opportunity to not only spend a day in the woods with my daughter and make memories with her much like I made with my father growing up but also for the meat that this animal would provide for our family.
Because she is under 16 I still do the dirty work and field dress her deer for her but due to the long haul back to the truck she stepped up and helped with getting it there. Ariel has been blessed with harvesting a deer 3 years in a row and the memories that have been made will be cherished for a life time. It was amazing watching how differently she handled herself today than she did on her first deer hunt. She was confident in her ability to make a humane shot, respectful of the animal in life and death but her understanding and enjoyment of the hunt had matured. I can honestly say that despite it being a day after my birthday my morning spent with Ariel was one of the best presents that I could have ever asked for. I am proud of the ethical sportsmen and young lady she is quickly becoming.
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