Yup, I completed my civil duty as a juror yesterday. I must admit it was an interesting experience. I arrived at the court house and was ushered into a private chamber with my fellow jurors. While we waited for court to begin conversation between us all seemed to come with ease. I was the only juror under the age of 45 but everyone was friendly and outgoing with this young whippersnapper! It seemed we had just enough time to get to know each other before we were escorted into the court room. We were all sworn in and given a quick overview of what was going to happen by the judge.
The lawyers for each side gave their opening statements and then the presenting of the evidence began. This came in the way of pictures, documents and personal witnesses being called to the stand to testify. I must admit this was the part that I found myself struggling with, when it comes to children I have no problem deciding who is right and who is wrong - or make a determination if someone is lying, doing this with adults (who have sworn to tell the truth - the whole truth - and nothing but the truth - SO HELP THEM GOD!) is definitely more difficult.
The lawyers gave their closing statements and then the judge addressed the jury as to what the "law" was and how we should approach the job that we were about to perform.
I was worried that I was going to be alone in my assessment of the case but was immediately placed at ease when all the other jurors began discussing the points of the case. It turns out we were all on the same page and had drawn very similar conclusions. It took us about 35 minutes to deliberate and make our decision on all aspects of the case. We knocked on the door and informed the bailiff that we had come to a decision.
We were again escorted into the court room and gave the paper with our decision and the specifics of the case to the judge. After he looked it over it was passed to the court clerk who then verified the specifics of our decision with us and once we all confirmed that was our decision the judge ruled on our decision and the case was closed.
I am glad I got to participate in the whole process but at the same time I am glad I am exempt for the next 3 years. I have enough responsibility of holding my families life in my hands I prefer not to be in charge of the destiny of strangers!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Judge Dread - I am the LAW!
Posted by Charles and Rebecca at 10:41 2 comments
Labels: A day in the life of Charlie
Friday, May 30, 2008
I'm so Blue.

Posted by Charles and Rebecca at 23:00 2 comments
Labels: A day in the life of Charlie, Karate
Thursday, May 29, 2008
No that's not what I meant! I'm talking about chickens. We have been planning on starting our own "little farm" for some time now but due to work and my regular business trips the past few years it has been put on hold more than once.
This year we held off on getting chicks because of a yearly science project at the kids school where they "attempt" to hatch fertilized eggs. I say attempt because the past 3 times the project has failed.
Well that is all about to change. This week I finally gave Becky the OK to order up our own little flock.
I realize it is going to take a few months but I can already taste the fresh, creamy, eggs as well as the natural hormone free baked chicken!
It was difficult to decide which variety of birds we wanted. There are about 15 different varieties that I would like to own but seeing that I don't own a full working farm I had to narrow down my selections. We finally decided on 3 breeds to start our flock. I have included a picture of each below.
The White Silkies are more for "pet status" although they can be good egg layers despite their small size. These are the birds that made me fall in love with chickens. Having worked on a chicken farm with my last job I would never have guessed one day I would even consider owning a chicken never mind start my own little flock!
These are Black Jersey Giants. They are black with a beautiful green sheen in the light. As their name implies they get rather large 10-13lbs! Gabriel best behave himself around these big girls - it would give a whole new meaning to getting your butt kicked by a chick!
These are Silver Laced Wyandottes. They are very personable birds and according to most owners of this breed, hours of entertainment are provided by this breeds antics.
They are a hearty, heavy bodied, productive (egg laying) bird with beautiful coloring/markings.
Posted by Charles and Rebecca at 06:00 2 comments
Labels: Chickens
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Signs of summer
Here is a quick video I took tonight. It's of one of the male hummingbirds that visit our house every year, drinking nectar from our feeder.
We really enjoy having them around year after year and they have become relaxed with us being around them.
Last year I was late with putting the feeders out and as I was sitting on the deck one afternoon one of the males began hovering in front of my face chirping at me all the whole time as if to say; "What are you waiting for? I'm hungry!"
This year they let me know they were back by buzzing my head while I was mowing the lawn last week.
Posted by Charles and Rebecca at 19:00 2 comments
Labels: Wildlife
One of the chosen!
All morning I kept thinking of childhood and the words of Doug Llewellen: "Don't take the law into your own hands, You take them to court!"
You guessed it I received my jury duty notice recently. Although I was disappointed that I would miss a company sponsored dinner tonight in Boston I was looking forward to a morning of relaxation at the local court house. To be honest I seriously doubted they would want me for service after reading my completed juror survey, Boy was I wrong.
I arrived at the court house a little early and realized I left the book Rebecca requested I read sitting on my nightstand, I decided I would amuse myself with the always enjoyable sport of people watching. As I stated before I was expecting a morning of relaxation, once again I was seriously mistaken.
For some reason the court personnel assumed we needed exercise and rather than using the elevator (which was in working order) they introduced us to the staircase that we would use to go back and forth (or should I say "up and down") from the 1st floor to the 3rd!
Upon my arrival at the 3rd floor I was delighted to find lots of fresh hot coffee and unlike everything else in the break room it was FREE! As a group we got to watch several videos about the court system and what to expect and we were given a prep talk from one of the local judges. Upon completion of these tasks I found out that there was another staircase with which I would surrender my life long acquired "baby fat" to!
We arrived in the court room and met the judge, attorneys, and were all sworn in as potential jurors. Upon completion of this I marched my way up the stairs to the 3rd floor again.
Finally, time to relax. Coffee, a large screen television set with a VCR and a bunch of movies. All morning with my last name starting with a "W" I was last so I settled in and began making small talk with the people around me.
Much to my surprise I was about the 15th person (out of approx 40-45 people) called in for my juror interview. After a short interview I was sent back to the break room and called in by the clerk who informed me I was chosen to sit on the jury.
I must admit I'm surprised I was chosen and am looking forward to completing my civil duty. As for now I am not allowed to discuss anything else about it but once all is said and done I will be sure to share my thoughts on the process.
Posted by Charles and Rebecca at 18:00 2 comments
Labels: A day in the life of Charlie
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mothers Day!
Yes, without them we would not be here! - Dad's, don't worry we will have our praises sung later in the year, Today is all about Mom!
We had a nice family lunch today at our house. The weather was beautiful so we enjoyed the afternoon out on the deck. My mom, R's mom, Nina, and Jackie were all in attendance.
There is a special bond between Mother and Child that God has planted deep within and it is a bond that I am very grateful for. I have great memories of time spent as a child with my mother - going to the ocean, lunch on Wednesday afternoons at the local Chinese Restaurant, weekly grocery shopping, arts and crafts, the list goes on and on! Now that I am older (I still have a hard time with becoming an ADULT!) I have developed memories of times spent with Gay and Nina as they are part of the family and I look up to and have great respect for them for how they raised and nurtured their children as well. I enjoy watching Rebecca and Jackie interact with their kids and thank God that we all have each other as family.
Thank you Mom (Carol) for raising me the way you did.
Thank you Mom (Gay) for accepting me as a son - not just a son-in-law.
Thank you Nina for moving back to the North East - it means more than words can describe, having you here to be part of our lives as well as the lives of the grandchildren!
Thank you Jackie for putting up with my antics and giving me a cute niece and handsome nephew.
Last but far from least:
Thank you Rebecca for being the worlds best mom to our children, I am amazed when I watch you with the kids and can't imagine raising them without you. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX
I think taking the time to celebrate our mothers once a year is far from being enough so make sure you tell them regularly that you not only love them but that you appreciate them as well.
Posted by Charles and Rebecca at 22:00 2 comments
Labels: Family, The Love of my Life
Yankee Doodle Back In Town.
I am trilled to be back home in the Northeast even though I was welcomed back by Mother Nature with surprisingly cold and gloomy weather and a lawn that seems to be daring me to try to mow it.
I have my adopted family (The Grabowski's) who let me stay at their house on the weekends so I try to do my part to help out around the house - which this trip was putting a swing set together to get the kids out of the house and away from the video game council (just like at home)! This also gave Jim and I the TV all to ourselves both weekends to watch the NASCAR race! Kyle finished in 1st place one week then 2nd place the next!
Posted by Charles and Rebecca at 08:00 0 comments
Labels: A day in the life of Charlie